Agape Journal, 1997, Issue 1
Teenage Survey Results1
Thomas Idiculla, Ph.D.
Sample Characteristics
- Country of birth - 65% US, 23% India, Middle East 12%
- Religion - Born again Christians of Indian origin
- Gender - 65% female, 35% male,
- Age-group - 12 to 23 years,
- Education - 67% High school, 33% College
- Number of years in US - 61% 10 to 19 years, 21% less than
10 years, 8% 20 years or more
- Family socioeconomic status - 89% middle class, 6% high
class, 5% low class
- Parents employment status - 83% father employed, 94%
mother employed
- Spiritual status - 98% accepted Jesus Christ, 81% took
water baptism, 54% experience of speaking in tongues, 69%
leading a holy life
Parent-Child Relationship
- Share personal problems with parents - 23% Yes, 46%
Sometimes, 31% No
- Parents help in difficult situations - 42% Yes, 36%
Sometimes, 21% No
- Satisfied with family environment - 64% Yes, 29% No, 7%
Not always
- Problems in family - 42% Yes, 58% No
What is your opinion of the following for Pentecostal
- Watching movies-54%
- Listening to secular music-23%
- Listening to Christian rap and rock-62%
- Interfaith marriages-19%
- Pre-marital sex-0%
- Involvement of parents in making decisions-62%
- Dating-33%
- Drinking alcoholic beverages-2%
- Wearing ornaments/jewelry-39%
To what extent have you participated in these activities?
- Watching movies-64%-28%
- Listening to secular music-54%-26%
- Listening to Christian rap and rock-43%-41%
- Dating-22%-7%
- Drinking alcoholic beverages-13%-2%
- Wearing ornaments/jewelry-32%-9%
1 Thomas Idiculla, Teenage Survey of Indian Pentecostals in
US, 1995 © All rights reserved
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